Tuesday, 8 December 2015

GvF Single Artwork

Here is a piece I did up in photoshop for my buddies over in GvF. This is a cover for a song titled "that sucks" by JKenny. Check out the groups bandcamp  and I will update with a link to the track once it has been released. (find that track here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ6r-h9JLGU&feature=youtu.be)


This song talks about a breakup, and I took inspiration from a few lines. He talks about about how his items were taken, broke a tv, ordered a pizza and the cops showed up. Now there is much more to the song it self, (its actually fantastic, I recommend you check it out once I update this post) but when creating a cover image you want to keep the message simple and uncluttered. Then to make good use of the information you decide to include to properly tell the story the artist is writing about.

This was made in photoshop, with a bunch of stock photos thrown into a scene, bent the perspective on the photos and ran them through a ton of layers. I also touched it up with some classic painting techniques to make it look like all of the objects are lit the same. When using stock photos, manually lighting the objects is how the piece will become cohesive.

For those of you looking to do something like this, get used to the skew tool. This can be used to alter a perspective of a static image making this possible. Keep your psd files as well, with these you can throw this into a composting program like afterFX to animate the police lights, and the flickering from the broken tv to create a dynamic video. Take a look at my next blog post to see the results!

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